Sesame Oil


Qty: 0g

At Forest Ffresh we want to promote guilt free cooking and eating. Our sesame oil is cold pressed 100% pure, undiluted and pressed from the best seeds and nuts.

Reduces blood pressure

Promotes skin health
SKU: N/A Category:


Over the years, we have switched to refined oils making us look at food differently. Cooking with good quality, unrefined oils are beneficial for health and most importantly brings out the natural flavour of food. At Forest Ffresh we want to promote guilt free cooking and eating. Our oils are cold pressed 100% pure, undiluted and pressed from the best seeds and nuts. We urge you to switch over to these oils to experience tasty and healthy food cooked with love and not guilt.

Manufactured by

Forest Ffresh

A Product of India

Additional information

Weight N/A

1 ltr, ½ ltr


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